Boring Postcards
Yes, that's exactly what you'll find here.
This page features three illustrations from the Phaidon Press book, BORING POSTCARDS, ISBN 0-7148-4390-3.
There is a picture of the bustling SOUTH END CARAVAN PARK in WALNEY ISLAND (be careful or you might get sent there), one of the TRAFFIC INTERCHANGE in the TOWN CENTRE of REDDITCH, and finally one of holidays in full swing at WATERLOO (no jokes about Belgium, please). I would recommend the book, featuring a number of similar views collected by MARTIN PARR. This is the place to see the sights of the M1 Motorway, Croydon Underpass, Stoke Mandeville Hospital Canteen, Glasgow Airport, and many more such delights.

South End Caravan Park, Walney Island

Town Centre, Redditch - Traffic Interchange

Waterloo. Not that one. Nor that one.
Sophia Gibb, of Phaidon Press, informs me that her company does NOT hold the copyright of these postcards. If the copyright holder of any of these pictures sees them and objects to the use I have made of them, perhaps he or she would be kind enough to contact me to let me know.